There are 503 graduates of the class of 1938

Gloria Purdy
Gloria Purdy
Leland Quackenbush
Leland Quackenbush
Marjorie Racine
Marjorie Racine
Eleanor Raymond
Eleanor Raymond
Leon Raymond
Leon Raymond
Robert Reddaway
Robert Reddaway
Jean Redmond
Jean Redmond
Margaret Reitnauer
Margaret Reitnauer
Earl Reynolds
Earl Reynolds
Howard Richardson
Howard Richardson
Robert Richardson Jr.
Robert Richardson Jr.
John Rickermann
John Rickermann
Aileene Risheill
Aileene Risheill
Florence Ritchie
Florence Ritchie
Betty Roof
Betty Roof
Dayton Rosenberry
Dayton Rosenberry
Eva Ross
Eva Ross
James Rossman
James Rossman
Wayne Rowley
Wayne Rowley
Catherine Ruhlandt
Catherine Ruhlandt